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作者:   信息来源:    浏览次数:    发布时间:2014-11-06

贾相平,男,汉族,中共党员,1978年4月出生,博士,三级教授。 办公电话:87081705,邮箱:jiaxp@nwsuaf.edu.cn


教育背景:2004年,中国农业大学经济管理学院农业经济管理专业毕业,获硕士学位;2008年,获德国霍恩海姆大学(University of Hohenheim)农业经济学博士。












1.Jia, X.*, H. Luan, J. Huang, and Z. Li. (forthcoming). "A Comparative Analysis of Microfinance and Formal and Informal Credit Use by Farmers in Less Developed Areas of Rural China." Development Policy Review. [SSCI]

2.  Jia, X.*, H. Luan, C. Xiang, and J. Huang. 2014. "Household Access to Nongovernmental Microfinance, Formal Credit and Informal Credit in Rural China." Review of Economics & Finance. 

3. Xiang, C., X. Jia*, and J. Huang. (forthcoming). "Microfinance Through Non-governmental Organizations and Its Effects On Formal and Informal Credit: Evidence From Rural China." China Agricultural Economic Review [SSCI]

4. Jia, X.*, Luan, H., J. Huang, S. Li, and S. Rozelle. (2014). "Marketing Transformation at Dairy Farm-gate after Milk Scandal in China: Evidence From Greater Beijing." Agribusiness: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1002/agr.21375. [SSCI] 

5. Jia, X., C. Xiang, and J. Huang. 2013. "Microfinance, self-employment, and entrepreneurs in less developed areas of rural China." China Economic Review 27:94-103. [SSCI]

6. Jia, X., J. Huang, C. Xiang, F. Zhang, X. Chen, Z. Cui, L. Hou, and H. Bergmann. 2013. "Farmer’s Adoption of Improved Nitrogen Management Strategies in Maize Production in China: An Experimental Knowledge Training." Journal of Integrative Agriculture 12(2): 101-108. [SCI]

7. Jia, X.*, J. Huang, and Z. Xu. 2012. "Marketing of Farmer Professional Cooperatives in the Wave of transformed agro-food market in China." China Economic Review 23(3): 665―674. [SSCI]

8. Huang, J., C. Xiang, X. Jia*, and R. Hu. 2012. "Impacts of Training on Farmers’ Nitrogen Use in Maize Production in Shandong, China." Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 67(4):321-327. [SCI]

9. Jia, X., J. Huang, H. Luan, S. Rozelle, and J. Swinnen. 2012. "China’s Milk Scandal, Government Policy and Production Decisions of Dairy Farmers: The Case of Greater Beijing." Food Policy 37(4):390-400. [SSCI/SCI]

10. Mo, D., J. Huang, X. Jia, H. Luan, J. Swinnen, and S. Rozelle. 2012. "Have Post-Milk Scandal Policies Changed the Structure of the Dairy Sector?" Journal of Dairy Science 95(5):2282-2298. [SCI]
http://dx.doi.org/ 10.3168/jds.2011-4720

11. Jia, X.*, and J. Huang. 2011. "Contractual arrangements between farmer cooperatives and buyers in China." Food Policy 36(5):655-665. [SSCI/SCI]

12. Jia, X.*, F. Heidhues, and M. Zeller. 2010. "Credit Rationing of Rural Households in China." Agricultural Finance Review 70(1):37 - 54.

13. Guo, P., and X. Jia. 2009. "The Structure and Reform of Rural Finance in China." China Agricultural Economic Review 1(2):212 - 226. [SSCI]

14. Jia, X.*, and P. Guo. 2008. "Evolution of Rural Finance in China: Institutional "Lock in" or Gradualism? ." Savings and Development 32(4):279-299. 


15.Jia, X., and J. Bijman (2013) Contract Farming: Synthetic Themes for Linking Farmers to Demanding Markets. In: Contract Farming for Improved Market Access. FAO, Rome.

16. Jia, X. 2008. Credit Rationing and Institutional Constraint: Evidence from Rural China. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang.

17. 周克,马涛,贾相平* 2013 “农户参与三氯杀螨醇替代技术培训积极性的影响因素分析”生态与农村环境学报第6期

18. 项诚,贾相平,黄季?,胡瑞法,张福锁,崔振岭2012 “农业技术培训对农户氮肥施用行为的影响:基于山东省寿光市玉米生产的实证研究”第9期4-10页

19. 李作稳, 黄季?, 贾相平, 栾昊,项诚. 2012. "小额信贷对贫困地区农户畜禽养殖业的影响" 农业技术经济第12期4-9页